SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Dialëktus European Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival 2009

Genre : Festival | Budapest

From tuesday 03 to sunday 08 march 2009

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Dialektus is back again, the contest of Europe's most creative and sensitive documentaries.

The very purpose of Dialektus' existence is to show the cultural diversity of our world through the eyes of Europe's filmmakers.

There is nothing more interesting than human stories. Be it the AIDS-situation in Ukraine, the mediahack in the Hungarian press, the womanhunt of the mayor of a Greek village, the story of the Elvis-imitator teacher from the countryside, the Belgian anthropologist woman among the indians of French-Guiana, the ex-prisoners of Auschwitz running away with a jeep owned by the Gestapo, the oilworkers of Azerbaijan, the Vietnamese people speaking'Czecho-Slovakian', Chinese foundry in Germany - short notes of the topics of Dialektus 2008.

And what is to come in 2009?

We expect yet larger variety and more surprises.. Let's have a peep into the lives of others.

Dialektus gives a great opportunity to meet European filmmakers, anthropologists, students and in general people who do not mind to stop and think about the issues in the world. The films shown within or outside of the contest represent the diversity of European documentaries. Conversations, moderated debates with the directors, retrospective screenings, free concerts and photo exhibitions give the 5 day programme its vibrance. Everyone - be it a professional or someone with a passing curiosity - who attends the event and watches the films, enters the VIP category automatically. Since it is the viewer who keeps the genre alive, provides the creators with motivation and opportunity to work. Join us this year, so we can become the most open, most understanding and caring audience!

We have received 206 films from 27 countries in the year 2009. The selection commitee consists of 6 people: anthropologists, practical filmmakers, professionals of filmtheory. Two more people are responsible for categorizing the films and setting the programme up.

The programme
Competition categories 2009
Human Stories (European documentaries)
Deep Description (European anthropological films)
Port.hu - The Hungarian Reality (Hungarian documentaries)
Student Works (European student films)

We honour the best works of each category with the Golden Deer Award.

For the viewers convenience, we grouped the films thematically.

Thematical groups:
The situation
The films of this section present exciting, sometimes extremist situations of life and subcultures in different worlds.
We are the history
Wars, revolutions, changes of systems - sometimes we make them, sometimes they are made on us
At a disadvantage
The films presented in this section are looking into basic matters: who are they and who are we? Are should the question be rephrased?
Recipes for life

Our traditions
Tales, myths, things carrying a meaning, secret (or at least unavailable for outsiders) knowledge.

Films outside of the competition:
The award-winning films of partnering festivals
Etnofilm Cadca - International Documentary Festival, Slovakia
Early Melons Festival - International Student Film Festival, Slovakia
Eyes and Lenses - Ethnographical Film Festival, Poland

Photo exhibition, slide shows
World- and ethnomusic concerts
Professional accompanying events, workshops, conferences

Places of the festival
DocuArt Shed (cinema and Festival center), Vörösmarty cinema

Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár (RO): Tranzit Ház - showing of the competition categories
Kosice / Kassa (SK): Kaszárnya - showing of the competition categories

The nominated films will be stored in our DocuArt filmcollection that can be accessed by those interested, researchers, journalists, etc.

Directors of the festival:
Orsolay Komlósi
Zoltán Füredi

Ildikó Bukta: (+36-70) 409-77-45


  • Arterial network
  • Iverca