SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Disign your own Kampala Biennale Tshirt @The HUB Kampala

Genre : Workshop | Kampala

Friday 11 july 2014

Times : 00:00
Contact details : @ The HUB Kampala
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts, Fashion, Design

The Kampala Art Biennale is preparing for a month long of exhibitions and side activities. As part of the preps we want to engage the public in art. This Friday, artist and designer Paul Ndema will give a Tshirt Design and screen print workshop with the aim to design your own creative Kampala Art Biennale Tshirt. Bring a Tshirt, Shirt, or any other piece of clothing that you can transform into your own special Biennale fashion wear.
Entrance is free materials will be provided (apart from the Tshirts!). The event will be held at different venues later in time and the best T Shirt will receive an award. More info: 0774779925

Information / Venue

Time: 3:00pm

Entrance: Free- (Bring Tshirts you want to print on them)

Kenneth Dale Drive - Kamwokya


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