SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Ni Kuruka Maisha - Screening @The HUB Kampala

© Manya Human Rights Film Festival
Genre : Cinema cycle | Kampala

Thursday 11 december 2014

Times : 00:00
Tel. : 0774779925
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

"Ni Kuruka Maisha / Jumping into Life"
is a feature documentary whose main characters are young adults trained at the school of arts Kuruka Maïsha. Directed and filmed by young people from the same social background, the film offers a complicit and intense look at the life of young people in the slums. A real life, with all its nuances: joy, sadness, boredom, hope, disappointment, imagination, frustration and creating. Living in a hostile environment and suffering degrading treatment is not sufficient to summarize the identity of these youngsters, full of creativity and imagination. The film shows all the joy and pleasure they experience discovering their talents as entertainers, but suggests both the complexity and sometimes delusion they can encounter facing fantasies and dreams that arouse them in being an artist.

Also showing: Excision (Kenya, 2014) 

In Kenya, in the year 2013, girls from 6 to 15 years of age are being "cut". 85% of them undergo total mutilation of their external genitalia for non medical reasons. Long before the completion of their growth, girls get in line, and undergo this operation, without any anesthetic or analgesic and under conditions of no hygiene. With the same blade, with no kind of sterilization, all of them will be "cut". Some will die of bleeding, some will get HIV. "Excision" documentary examines the consequences of FGM (female genital mutilation) through female portraits and demonstrates the effects of this action. It was shot in Kenya in the area of the Pokot Tribe in January 2013.

Information / Venue

7.00 pm - Ni Kuruka Maisha - Jumping into life

8.15 pm - Excision

Kenneth Dale Drive - Kamwokya


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