The film relates the daily life of Horia, a young journalist imprisoned by Salima Abada, who investigates the murders of high school girls involved in a prostitution ring and the living conditions of sub-Saharan migrants.
The journalist travels daily around the city to question her contacts who also happen to be indicators of her childhood friend Mustapha, camped by Khaled Benaïssa, who has become a police inspector in the town of Mostaganem where this thriller takes place.
A film by Merzak ALLOUACHE
Algeria, 2019, Fiction, 1h43, thriller
starring Salima Abada, Nour el Houda Lebgaa and Khaled Benaïssa
Original Title (Arabic): "Manader el-kharif" French Title: "Paysages d'automne" English Title: "Autumn landscapes" Type: Drama, Fiction Genre: Thriller Duration: 103 minutes Year of production : 2019
FESTIVALS & AWARDS - Vues d'Afrique 2021 (Montréal, Québec, Canada) /// Official Selection - Festival Noisy-le-sec 2020 (Noisy-le-sec, Paris area, France) /// Official Selection - Mostra de València, Spain / Best Script Award, APunt Media Award - 10th Festival du Film Engagé d'Alger - Algiers International Film Festival (Fica) /// World Premiere /// Audience Award (ex aequo) ///
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