SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

When Pigs Have Wings

  • Cochon de Gaza (Le)
Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 99 (in minutes)

Following a storm at sea, Jafaar, a poor Palestinian fisherman, is surprised when he reels in a pot-bellied pig along with his usual catch. Unsure of what to do with this ‘impure' beast, he attempts to sell it but trying to profit from a pig in Gaza is not as easy as it sounds, and the pair become entangled in an extraordinary chain of events and a rather dubious line of work...

When Pigs have Wings is a film by Sylvain ESTIBAL.

‘The Pig of Gaza' is a hugely entertaining tale of an everyday hero's valiant efforts to survive in a country bound by poverty, military occupation and religious extremism. Optimistic til the last, the unlikely duo pick their way through political (and sometimes literal) minefields with hilarious results. Jafaar's singular quest for a better life allows us to believe that despite many divides and differences, there may still be hope for a better future for all.

Directed by Sylvain Estibal

Cast :
Sasson Gabay (Jafaar), Baya Belal (Fatima), Myriam Tekaïa (Yelena), Ulrich Tukur (Officer), Gassan Abbas (Barber)

1st feature
Adapted from the novel written bySylvain Estibal

Alternate Title: Le Cochon de Gaza

Languages: Arabic, Hebrew, English-
Runtime : 1h39
Year of production : 2011
Distributor : StudioCanal
Countries of Production : France, Belgium, Germany
Shooting Places: Malte


2 files


  • Arterial network
  • Iverca