SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Magnus
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Feature
Running time : 86 (in minutes)

Magnus is a sensitive boy from a family where no-one really cares about him. His parents consider that given food and shelter, their children will just grow up on their own. As a child Magnus suffers from a potentially fatal lung disease and he plays bizarre games to cheat death. Ten years later modern medicine has cured the disease, but Magnus' death wish continues. After his second attempt to take his own life his father's conscience finally awakens. He tries to convince his son to go on living, applying some rather unorthodox techniques. An uneasy and sometimes humourous relationship develops between Magnus and his father, up to an unexpected conclusion...

If you like this film, you'll die.
If you don't like this film, you'll die.

Well, Zen is a tricky thing to grasp...
How to reach a point where nothing matters (in a good sense)? Existentially, really, there is no difference. All things will perish.
However, it does make a difference whether you give a beating or a hug. It makes a difference, whether you show love to your child, or don't give a damn about him. This is what "Magnus" is about.


ESTONIA / UNITED KINGDOM, 2007, Feature, Drama

Written and Directed by - Kadri Kõusaar
Producer - Donal Fernandes
Director of Photography - Pawel Sobczyk
Music by - Set Fire to Flames
Editor - Kaspar Kallas

Sound Mix: Stereo
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Camera: Silicon Imaging SI-2K
Negative Format: HD
Printed Film Format: 35 mm

Magnus - Kristjan Kasearu
Father - Mart Laisk
Mother - Merle Jääger
Sister - Kerli Toim
Small Magnus - Ruuben Rekkor
Girl in the hospital - Anu Aaremäe
Psychiatrist/ prostitute - Marika Korolev
Mother's new boyfriend - Sulev Võrno
Drugdealer - Aapo Ilves
Priest - Hellar Bergmann
Brothel administrator - Rita Raave
Big-breasted woman - Bille Neeve
Client with special needs - Ivo Goldi
Photographer in casting session - Margo Vaino
Mari - Piret Avila
Helle - Kristiina Nurmis
Restaurant client - Boris Burachinski
Waiter - Heiko Hiller
Doctor - Andrus Vaarik
Deaf-mute chicks - Kaisa Karu, Marianne Otstrat
Sister's girlfriend - Mirjam Aun
Sister (as child) - Lauren Grinberg
Woman at train station - Kai Kivi
Child at train station - Mihkel Aaremäe
Nurse - Aet Laigu
Drugdealer's friends - Triin Ploom, Anu Aaremäe, Indrek Hallikmäe
People at the bus stop - Margo Vaino, Martin Ruus, Aino Juhanson
Camera Operator - Christian Johannes Kask Art Director - Leen Võrno
Costume Designer - Anu Aaremäe

Makeup Artist - Merlit Miländer
First Assistant Director - Age Viks
Assistant to Art Director - Taavi Arus
Assistant to Makeup Artist - Ann Alasi
Gaffer - Mart Raun
Grip - Indrek Hallikmäe
Grip and Gaffer Assistants - Tanno Mee, Heiko Sikka, Robert Linna, Martin Ruus
Sound Recordist - Olger Bernadt
Boom Operator - Jamie Boyd
Sound Design - Horret Kuus
Additional Sound Design - Tiina Andreas
Casting - Anu Aaremäe
Catering - Ano Laane
Colour grade and Prints by - Laboratorium Filmowe WFDiF (Warsaw)
Line Producer - Aet Laigu
Co-Producer - Kadri Kõusaar
Executive Producer - Donal Fernandes

„Vienna Arcweld/Fucked Gamelan/Rigid Tracking"
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„Steal Compass/Drive North/Disappear"
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„There is No Dance in Frequency and Balance"
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„Shit Heap Gloria Of The New Town Planning"
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„ Jesus / Pop..."
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„Esquimalt Harbour..."
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„Two Tears in a Bucket..."
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

„Fading Lights are Fading / Reign Rebuilder (Tail Out)..."
Written and performed by Set Fire to Flames
© Fat Cat Records/130701 Limited, 2001
Used by permission of Rough Trade Publishing

Special thanks:
Martin Algus
Heiti Allmäe (Restoran Balthasar)
Silver Alt
Alex Claude
Krista Ebruk
Kuldar Ebruk
Phillip Graves
Anu-Maie Jõgi (Pihla Turismitalu)
Tiina Kanarbik
Margus Karu
Liina Keevallik
Terje Kissa
Erve Kõusaar (Järve haigla)
Jaanus Kõusaar
Mari-Leen Laisk
Christian Lazen-Bernardt
Marju Lepp (Parunid & Vonid)
Age Lilleste
Tiina Lokk
Elen Lotman
Brian Melvin
Teresa Mängel (X-Club)
Madis Mätlik
Ain Nurmela
Enn Paat (Omega Shipping OÜ)
Tristan Priimägi
Andrus Prikk
Kristjan Pütsep
Tarmo Rajaleid (Balti Filmi- ja Meediakool)
Laine Roht
Ritta Roosaar
Hendrik Saks
Sten Savi
Tarvo Schmeimann
Stanko Stanev
David Starr-Tambor
Hogne Stromnes
Tallinna Lasnamäe Üldgümnaasium
Taivo Tenso
Helgo-Mall Tepomees
Piret Tibbo-Hudgins
Olle Tillemann
Rain Tolk
Taavi Torim
Marta Vaarik
Residents of Vana-Kalamaja 48
Kuldar Värsi (Elektriraudtee)
Jamie Boyd (Svengali)

Very special thanks to our sponsors:
Estonian Film Foundation
Estonian Ministry of Culture
Hans H. Luik
Siim Mesila
Peeter Põlluveer
Erki Vään

This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition is prohibited and may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

DISCLAIMER: The characters and events depicted in this film are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and none should be inferred. Filmed entirely on location in Estonia.

A United Kingdom-Estonian Co-Production.
Copyright © 2007 Donus Films Limited, OÜ Vitamin K Film All rights reserved

Cannes Film Festival 2007 (France)
* Selection Competition "Un certain regard"
(First Estonian film in Cannes official program)



Tundlik poiss Magnus (Ruuben Rekkor) kasvab ües õhustikus, kus keegi temast eriti ei hooli. Magnuse vanemad arvavad, et lapsed kasvavad ise - kui toit laual ja katus pea kohal, pole lastel muud vaja. Magnus põeb kopsuhaigust, mida peetakse ravimatuks, ja mängib surmaga kummalisi mänge. Kümme aastat hiljem on Magnuse haigus välja ravitud; noormehe surmasoov on aga hoopis süvenenud. Kui täiskasvanud Magnus (Kristjan Kasearu) teeb juba teise enesetapukatse, ärkab tema isa (Mart Laisk) südametunnistus. Ta üritab poega õpetada elu nautima, kuni shokeeriva lõpplahenduseni.


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