SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Douglas Lyon (Excelman Productions : Television Production Services)

With ten years of experience in communication and audio-visual production under his belt Douglas Lyon created EXCELMAN Productions in 1995.

In just a few years, after many prestigious shoots all over France, Europe and two dozen African nations (a total of more than 50 different countries), Douglas has become a privileged partner of all of the major Japanese television networks, production companies as well as the most prominent advertising agencies.

Douglas' primary vocation ranges from the conception and complete production to simply the logistic management and co-ordination, of a wide spectrum of primarily audio-visual projects in video or film : hard news, documentaries, live satellite broadcasts, variety shows, reality shows, sports events, TV films, commercials, etc.

In the world of Japanese television he has come to be known as an "Africa specialist", but actually he actually began his career in television with Fashion and News, then Variety shows and Reality Shows, and he loves it all, although he does have a particular passion for Broadcast News, Documentaries, and... well, you guessed it : Africa.
Producer, Production Manager, Line Producer, Field Producer, Journalist and Director, he has many hats.
He produced some of the very first Reality Shows in the history of television.
He works extensively throughout Europe
and Africa.

In Japanese 日本語 :

代表取締役 Douglas E. LYON /ダグラス・E・ライオン




「ヴァン・ゴッホの謎」(ユネスコ賞)フランス2とフジ・テレビのためのTransparences Productions 社との共同制作(フジ・テレビ側のプロデュースを担当)、また Ellen Von Unwerth 氏の監督によるパルコ(デパート)のコマーシャル・フィルムの制作なども手がけ、次第に制作ディレクターから現地プロデューサーへとその活動を拡げて行きました。






  • Arterial network
  • Iverca