SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

C'est à Dieu qu'il faut le dire

  • C'est à Dieu qu'il faut le dire
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Short
Running time : 17 (in minutes)

Kumba is a young woman from the Ivory Coast who lives alone in Paris. She has two children: seven-year-old Adja and eight-month-old Bakary. On this particular day, she is asked to stand in at short notice for a cleaning lady friend. Kumba must decide between the job and looking after her youngest child. She sets out for work, fear gnawing at her, for she leaves the baby behind at home.

A Short film, Fiction
Genre: Psychological drama

Director: Elsa Diringer

Actress: Tatiana Rojo (Kumba)
Executive Producer : Muriel Meynard
Screenwriter : Elsa Diringer
Co-producer : Claire Grinevald
Director of Photography : Irina Lubtchansky
Sound Recordist : Agnès Szabo
Production Manager : Claire Diao
Editor : Benoîte Dorlacq
Sound Editor : Roman Dymny
Music Composer : Sébastien Souchois
Sound Mixer : Roman Dymny

Associate production company : Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo
Co-production : Le Collectif Tribudom
Film export/Foreign Sales : Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo

Themes : Solitude/loneliness, Society, Family, Childhood, Fear, Work
Production language : French, African dialect
Nationality : 100% French (France)
Production year : 2010
Runtime : 17mn
Visa number : 127.899
Visa issue date : 14/12/2010
Production formats : HDV
Screening format : - HD-CAM
Color type : Color
Aspect ratio : 1.77
Sound format : Stereo
Festival Selections (1)

Cannes International Film Festival - 2011

Sélection Prix uniFrance du court-métrage
Type : Feature film and short film festival


Kumba es una joven madre de la Costa de Marfil, que vive sola en París con sus dos hijos: Adja, de siete años, y Bakary, de ocho meses. Ese día, le proponen a Kumba que vaya a sustituir a una amiga que trabaja como limpiadora. Kumba tiene que elegir entre coger el trabajo o quedarse cuidando al pequeño. Kumba se va a trabajar, muerta de miedo, dejando solo al pequeño en casa.

Directora: Elsa Diringer
Actriz: Tatiana Rojo (Kumba)



  • Arterial network
  • Iverca