SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Makongo
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2020
Running time : 72 (in minutes)

In the south-east of the Central African Republic, two young Pygmies, Albert and André, fight for the literacy of children in their community. To finance their project, they do not count on the help of the State, nor on the NGOs, but on the sale of their caterpillar harvest: the makongo.

André and Albert are two young Aka pygmies from Mongoumba of the Central African Republic. They are among the few in their community to study. The others have abandoned or never even set foot in school. Despite their financial difficulties and stigmatization in high school, André and Albert fight to study and level with other students. But they also have a dream: to bring other Aka children to school. Every afternoon, they walk winding paths, a blackboard on theirs shoulders, to go and teach their students in the forest, out-of-school children or teenagers of all ages. To finance their business, they do not rely on NGOs or government aid, but rather on the next harvest of makongo (caterpillars), the main source of income of Pygmies. This year, if the harvest is good, André and Albert would like to sell it directly to Bangui, the capital, to increase their profits. With this, they could continue their fight for school with the aim of enrolling some of their students in a real school.
(Final Cut, Venice)

Film by Elvis Sabin Ngaibino selected for the Festival des Cinémas d'Afrique 2022


  • Arterial network
  • Iverca