SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Waterberg to Waterberg - in the Footsteps of Samuel Maharero

  • Waterberg to Waterberg - in the Footsteps of Samuel [...]
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Feature
Running time : 61 (in minutes)

What happened to Samuel Maherero after the battle of the Waterberg in 1904? One minute he was the most influential leader in Namibia, the next he was running for his life with a bounty on his head. Relentlessly pursued by the invading German army, his people were scattered and hunted down. Samuel and a small band of loyal followers somehow managed to escape into the waterless sands of the Kalahari Desert. Following in this remarkable man's footsteps, Waterberg to Waterberg tells the history of the Herero migrations across Southern Africa more than 100 years ago. A journey of a thousand miles, on horseback and by foot, from the Waterberg Mountain in Namibia to the Waterberg Mountain in South Africa. A journey to find a place they could call home. Through interviews with Herero elders living in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa today, we piece together this true story. Through colonial reports, archive films and original photos we bring to life the old world of Samuel Maharero and his nation in exile between 1904 and 1923. They may have lost most of their possessions in the war, but the Herero carried their culture inside of them, and refused to let it die. This is their story - and the story of the hero who led them.

Director: Andrew Botelle

History Documentary, Namibia, 61min, 2014
Original Languages: OtjiHerero and English (English subtitles)
With: Kambausuka Tjivau, Ratanauka Hengura, Unotjari Katjimune, Kaitjindire Tjeriye, Soroi Muuondjo, Okakarara Secondary School Drama Club, Alex Kaputu, Moses Tjamuaha, Botha Hambujah, Trams Tjizoo, Class Motshidisi, Ueripaka Tjivasera, David Kamuzeri, Venaete Tjivasera, Elizabeth Hunter, Kamutuua Kandorozu, Kenaura Appolus

Distribution Details
Distribution (Worldwide) : AfricAvenir
Contact: info(at)africavenir.org
Formats: Media files.mov /.mpg / DVD
Language: OtjiHerero and English with English Subtitles
Poster/Pictures: Can be sent digitally


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