SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Fatou Jupiter Touré

  • Fatou Jupiter Touré
© courtesy Las Palmas FilmFest
Film director, Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Director of the festival
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Senegalese Actress, Film Director, Scriptwriter and Film Producer.
Senegalese Actress.

Born in Senegal, Fatou Jupiter TOURÉ was trained as Film director and Producer at Média Centre de Dakar and also at Africa Doc workshop. She appears in commercials (for mobile phone, foods).
Fatou Jupiter TOURÉ stars as Assitan in the Tv serie "C'est la vie / That's Life" (Season 1, 2015, dir. by Moussa Sène Absa & Fabacary Coly), main actress alongside with Awa Djiga KANE, Christiane DUMONT, Ndèye Siré BÂ, Joséphine ZAMBO.

Other bio (2023)
Actress, director, producer, United Nations ambassador, entrepreneur, founder of the Les Téranga Film Festival since 2019, and President of WIFT Senegal (Women in Film and Television), Fatou Jupiter Touré has been named twice successively among the 700 most impactful Africans by the South African Tropics magazine.

In addition to her studies, Fatou was a resident of the Daniel Sorano National Theatre of the company BouSaana, whom she traveled with to Brazil and France. She lent her image to pan-African advertising campaigns and played in several pan-African series: C'EST LA VIE, YELO PEPPÉ in Ghana, GOLDEN, YOU TAXI, and in cinema as the female lead role in the feature-length film QUE LE PÈRE SOIT! for which she received the Award for Best Actress at FESTICAB (Le Festival International du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel du Burundi) in 2022. Fatou is also an entrepreneur and very involved in social causes related to education and women's rights.
Senegalese, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in British Literature and Civilizations, a Master's degree in Corporate Communication, and a certification in Audiovisual Techniques and Social Communication. Fatou defines herself as an African.
She is an Official Feature Films Jury member at The 22nd Festival Internacional de Cine de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain, 14-23 April 2023).

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.lpafilmfestival.com/en/fatou-jupiter-toure/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 10 August 2023



La actriz, directora, productora, embajadora de las Naciones Unidas, empresaria, fundadora del Festival de Cine Les Téranga desde 2019, y Presidenta de WIFT en Senegal (Mujeres en el Cine y en la Televisión), Fatou Jupiter Touré ha sido nombrada dos veces sucesivamente entre las 700 africanas de mayor impacto de la revista sudafricana Tropics.

Además de sus estudios, Fatou fue residente en el Teatro Nacional Daniel Sorano con la compañía Bou Saanacon la que ha actuado en Brasil y Francia. Ha prestado su imagen a campañas publicitarias panafricanas y actuó en diversas series panafricanas: C'EST LA VIE, YELO PEPPÉ en Ghana, GOLDEN, YOU TAXI, y en cine como la protagonista femenina en el largometraje QUE LE PÈRE SOIT! por el cual recibió el Premio a Mejor Actriz en el FESTICAB (Le Festival International du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel du Burundi) en 2022. Fatou es también empresaria y está muy involucrada en causas sociales relacionadas con la educación y los derechos de las mujeres. Siendo senegalesa, tiene un título universitario en Literatura y Civilizaciones Inglesas, un máster en Comunicación Corporativa, y un certificado en Técnicas Audiovisuales y Comunicación Social. Fatou se define así misma como una africana.
Ella estaba Jurado Sección Oficial Largometrajes en el 22° Festival Internacional de Cine de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (14-23 de abril 2023).

Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- www.lpafilmfestival.com/fatou-jupiter-toure/
Updated by Thierno DIA, 10 August 2023


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