SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


13 Rue du Congrès - Congresstraat
1000 Bruxelles
Tel. : +32 (0)2 412 58 80
Fax : +32 (0)2 412 58 90
Contact by email

Art and culture are essential elements in a sustainable human development process. This is what Africalia stands for, running result-based programmes conceived in collaboration with its partners in Africa.
This philosophy is in line with:

the Millennium Development Goals;
the Paris Declaration on aid efficiency;
the UNESCO Convention on cultural diversity.

Largely supported by the Belgian Development Cooperation, Africalia equally subscribes to the European Development Aid policies.
Culture is intimately linked with creativity, it stimulates intercultural dialogue and increases positive identity awareness. Culture also represents market potential and educational value, so it can play a considerable part in the fight against poverty. Moreover, culture acts on behavioural change.

Through its three-year programmes, Africalia supports professional organisations and networks in Africa that contribute to the flourishing of artists, that in turn play their social and societal role in strengthening democracies.


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  • Arterial network
  • Iverca