SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Little Ngando The Seaweed Eater

Release date : Saturday 08 march 2008
Genre : Children's literature

Book ISBN number : 978-1-4092-0264-6
Pages : 24

Year : 2008
Column : Literature, Intercultural/migrations, Comic strip

Coco Mbassi, the award-winning African singer, known more for her sultry voice and spiritual ballads, woven on 2 albums and a Live DVD (Sepia/2001, Sisea/2001 and Coco Mbassi Tour/2005), and who has been involved in story-telling since childhood as a member of the lucky audience of Cameroonian ancestral tales, but more recently as a live storyteller for privileged children in London primary schools has published one of her tried and tested stories, Little Ngando The Seaweed Eater, a story about friendship that educates and entertains in a very modern way, through humour and imagination.
Tolerance and diversity are at the centre of most conflicts, local or international, and this is a story about loving and accepting difference, a story that demonstrates in a fun and original way, that what makes us human (or crocodile in this case) is our...heart!
Coco Mbassi says: "Writing stories has always been something I wanted to do, especially for children [...]."

In this story, as always, tolerance meets resistance...Will Little Ngando be allowed to be himself?
Illustrations by Marcelle Moukoko

(Lydie Mouloty, Conserprod Ltd)


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