SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Cortopotere ShortFilmFestival 2010

Genre : Festival | Bergamo

From monday 25 to sunday 31 october 2010

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

2010 competition announcement
Cortopotere ShortFilmFestival, now in its 10th edition, will take place from October 25th to 31st 2010 in Bergamo (Italy), at the Auditorium c/o Piazza della Libertà.

Short films belonging to the categories fiction, experimental and animation (max. 20 min.) and documentaries (max 30 min.) can compete. We accept Italian and international works produced from 2008 to present, in any screening format. Any theme is accepted. Works must be submitted by June 14th 2010 at the latest (extended date - Deadline: 6.9.2010).

For the theme competition, "Solidarity and donation", we accept Italian works belonging to any category, produced from 2006 to present (max 10 min.). "The goal of this competition is to give prominence to charity work as an experience that improves society, thanks to the commitment of those who devote some of their time and skills to provide a useful service to the community. The subject of the works should not be only bloodletting: it should rather convey the idea of solidarity through a wider reflection.".

All works will be selected by the festival's Artistic Direction, whose judgement is unquestionable. A selected jury (whose members are professionals either in the film or the entertainment industry) will assign the following awards:
International competition: 3.000,00 euro - To one of the selected works, among all categories.
National competition: 2.000,00 euro - To one of the selected works, among all categories.
Theme competition: 1.000,00 euro
"Solidarity and donation", in collaboration with Avis Provinciale Bergamo, to one of the selected works, among all categories. (National competition)

Participation to national or theme competition is at the discretion of Artistic Direction.

To take part in the competition, please read the regulation and then fill in the entry form. We do not charge entry fee.


Cortopotere Sff
Concorso per Autori under 30 nella provincia di Bergamo

Cortopotere ShortFilmFestival
24-31 Ottobre 2010, Auditorium P.zza della Libertà (BG)

Possono partecipare al Concorso: Opere di fiction, Documentari, Opere di ricerca, Animazioni della durata massima di 15' prodotti dal 2008 in poi.
Il tema è libero.

Deadline: 6.9.2010 - 1° premio: 500 euro
Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito: www.cortopotere.it


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