SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Africa paradise

  • Africa paradis
© Tchoko Tchoko 7ème Art
Genre : Adventure
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2005
Format : Feature
Running time : 100 (in minutes)

2033, Europe, among them France, has become underdeveloped due to acute economic and political crisis while Africa has gone through very thriving development.

As Olivier and Pauline, a French engineer and a French teacher, can no more decently live in their country, they decide to immigrate into the United States of Africa.

Unfortunately they don't manage to get an entry visa and therefore call on a smuggler. From that time on their life turns upside down and they face the grim reality of immigration : they experience the position of illegal immigrant, the difficulty to find a decent job and on top of that the political use of immigration.

Sylvestre Amoussou | Benin/France 2006 | 1h26m | 35mm | French with English subtitles |

Sylvestre Amoussou

Guy Chanel

Nicolas Chaudeurge

Alioune Mbow, Julien Chaumat


Décors/Art Design
Jean-Michel Robert, Oumar Sall

Marie-France Pérochon, Fatou Kandé

Sandrine BUTEAU.................Producer

Métis Productions (France)
Koffi Productions (Bénin)

Interprètes/ Cast :
Charlotte Vermeil, Stéphane Roux, Sylvestre Amoussou, Sandrine Bulteau, Eriq Ebouaney, Cheik Doukouré, Émile Abossolo Mbo, Nathalie Chaban,

35mm, couleur / color


2033, Stati Uniti d'Africa. Il paradiso terrestre, la meta di milioni di profughi in fuga dall'Occidente, devastato da guerre e crisi economiche. Una coppia di giovani francesi sceglie di emigrare clandestinamente per cercare fortuna in Africa. Ma la realtà che li attende è durissima: pregiudizi, sfruttamento, xenofobia. E intanto, nei palazzi dell' Unione Africana, si dibatte sulla linea politica da adottare nei confronti di questa'invasione'. Il regista Amossou dà vita a una riflessione ironica sulle condizioni in cui vivono milioni di immigrati in Occidente, partendo dal cortometraggio omonimo girato l'anno precedente. Il film, suo primo lungometraggio, ha vinto il premio speciale'Sembene Ousmane' al Fespaco 2007.

Benin, Francia - 2006

Regia: Sylvestre Amoussou

Interpreti: Sylvestre Amoussou, Stéphane Roux, Eriq Ebouaney

Durata: 86'


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20 files


44 files


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Africa Paradis Trailer

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"C'est en Afrique que je trouve encore la soif de rêver [...]

(Audio file)


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