SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Tunes in Berberland

  • Airs en terre berbère
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1993
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 50 (in minutes)

Partie 1 : Variations in High Atlas

Partie 2 : Bridal in Middle Atlas

In the High Atlas when you climb by a winding path towards the Aït Bouguemez valley, marks of modern life remain behind leaving you alone between sky and earth without any intermediary.

Water is the element around which all essential activities gather. Be it spontaneous or interpreted naturally, music expresses that important universe : women's songs in high polyphony, in youyous or ritomello accompany every activity.

The flute and tambourin are the only instruments that the men play, especially in the evening when villagers come together to dance "Adersi", the danse that is reminiscent of the cosmic circle.

In the Middle Atlas, around Khenifra, the Aayane and lcheker tribes meet for the performance of Asli and Taslit's wedding festivities, Asii and Taslit being respectivily the fiancé and the fiancée.As symboles of the sheer force of the vegetation, they embody all the expectations of fertility and fecundity that the community sings and dances in Awache, in front of the vast Berberian tent.

16mm, 2 x 26 min., documentary, 1992-93.
Source :


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  • Arterial network
  • Iverca