SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Another Baobab has Fallen! Playwright Sankie Maimo is No More

Genre : Cultural personnality death announcements
Principal country concerned : Column : Literature
Release/publication date : 2013
Published on : 17/09/2013
Source : Scribbles from the Den

Sankie Maimo, one of the foremost English speaking writers in Cameroon, has died. He died on September 4, 2013 at the St. Elisabeth hospital Shisong in the Northwest Region of Cameroon - a monumental loss for Cameroon Anglophone literature. Find below Maimo's biography written by Joyce Ashuntantang and I, which apppeared in the French language daily Le Jour in October 2008 as part of a series on writers from English-speaking Cameroon (...)

[Read more on Dibussi Tande's blog]

To read more about the author : "Sankie Maimo : S'appuyer sur le passé pour comprendre le présent", par Dibussi Tande et Joyce Ashuntantang


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