SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mille et Une Films

Genre : Distribution, Production, Associate production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Gilles Padovani, producteur 27 avenue Louis Barthou
35 000 RENNES
Tel. : 00 33 2 23 44 03 59
Fax : 00 33 02 23 44 03 63
Contact by email


Gilles Padovani founded the production company.Mille et Une. Films in late 1995, in Rennes. Committed to producing documentaries of the highest cinematographic quality,.Mille et Une. Films has supported debut films by directors such as Laure Morali, Pilar Arcila, and Olivier Hems, as well as works by more experienced filmmakers (Didier Nion, Gulya Mirzoeva, etc.).

An editorial line has undeniably emerged with the passing years. Gilles Padovani produces the films he wants to see. Some are highly personal: Léonarda, Dix-sept ans, Si loin du crime. Others are more conventional in approach, but their themes strike a chord : Huis clos pour un quartier, Vague à l'âme paysanne

Since its founding,.Mille et Une. Films has co-produced more than thirty-five documentaries, in partnership with local, regional, and national TV networks, occasionally finding partners outside France as well. Co-productions with ARTE, France 5, and France 2, along with screenings at the major film festivals, have earned.Mille et Une. an excellent reputation.

In the past several years, the company has been developing its fiction catalogue, producing two short films. One of them, Nous, by Olivier Hems, won a number of prestigious awards. Currently,.Mille et Une. Films is developing debut fiction features by Bénédicte Pagnot and Olivier Hems.

Of course, the production of documentaries continues. Production manager Élodie Sonnefraud has been delegated to documentary development and production. In late 2009, Virginie Guibbaud joined the team, bringing her skills to our work with international and national film broadcasting companies.


3 files


  • Arterial network
  • Iverca