SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Moroccan Cinema Centre (MCC)

Genre : Distribution, Cultural operator, Production, Bailleur de fonds
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
2 - Résidence de la Fraternité B - Rue Abdellah Guennoun 20100 - CASABLANCA - Maroc Phone : + 212 (0) 22 20 20 30 (L.G) E-mail : secretariat.ccm AT menara.ma Quartier industriel, Avenue Al Majd - BP 421 (Rabat)
Tel. : + 212(0)28 92 00 (L.G) | + 212 37 79 81 05/08
Fax : + 212 22 20 20 31
Contact by email


Welcome you are in my country -here- where are still flourishing
indeed ! the great stories we tell each other in evenings in colours, sometimes in black and white and in scope on the very edge of a memory fool and terrific, for ever screened, featured, or settled down
on the virtual screen of our heroic chronicles

Nour-Eddine SAIL
Director General Of the Moroccan Cinema Centre


The Moroccan Cinema Centre (MCC), which was set up in 1944 and granted a new structure in 1977, is mainly entrusted with the organization and promotion of the film-making industry in Morocco. The Centre is also in charge of implementing rules and regulations in force in all the professions of the sector.

# The MCC grants : authorizations to shoot films.
# professionnal cards for membership.
# visas to market films.
# professional authorizations to producers and distributors (CINEMA, VIDEO, DVD, VCD), to movie-theatre managers and to video clubs.
The MCC runs also a film-making works compound comprising a laboratory for processing and an auditorium and movie sound work and a set of shooting equipment and others...(for more information on the compound, click on the related link). A film library is available in the Centre as conservatory of national and international film heritage.


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5 files

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Pégase - البراق - [...]

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L'appel des arènes - Cheikh A. Ndiaye (Entretien)

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KHERBOUCHA - Bande Annonce VF HD (sous-titré en anglais)

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Un pas en avant, les dessous de la corruption



  • Arterial network
  • Iverca