SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Theatrical Company Ziguinchor Sénégal

Genre : Cultural operator, Production, Home of artists in residence
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater
Compagnie Théâtrale Bou-saana BP 630 Ziguinchor - Sénégal
Tel. : (00221) 77 540 37 64 | (00221)77 531 94 42
Fax : (00221) 33.991.30.50

The theatrical Company Bou-Saana is an association of non-profit-making Senegalese right. It is based in Ziguinchor (Casamance - South of Senegal) and was created in 1995. It has an antenna in Saint-Louis of Senegal and in France. It has carried out for several years of the actions of animation/formation in theatre and professionalisation of actors. It organizes also formations and meetings in other artistic disciplines. Regularly, it creates spectacles. The majority treat great evils of the company (corruption, abuse of power, despotism, exploitation of the children, genocide…). These theatrical creations aim to sensitize, inform, denounce, restore the truth of the facts too often deformed and abused by “the large” press. The spectacles are accompanied most of the time by parallel actions: - DEBATEs and meetings with the public ones, in the schools, the work's councils etc - Exposures - File of reflexion for the preparation of public, in particular schoolboys and high-school pupils We want to allow a personal and individual reflexion, starting from right elements, without excessive dramatization, without whimpering, on the “worrying” phenomena of the human society, of which those of violence. The Bou-Saana company also animates workshops of theatre in districts of Ziguinchor in connection with Governmental organizations and associations. In 2005 and 2006, the Bou-Saana company organized various workshops of artistic creation within the framework of the French-speaking operation “the caravan of the ten words” (cf chapter corresponding in this site). In 2007, several of its actors will take part in a training course of creation in Italy. Since 2002, the company was presented and worked on various associative cultural projects in France, in Italy, in Switzerland, with Benin, in Guinea-Bissau, in Gambia and in Senegal of course. See historical and rounds. In May 2007 it carried out in Ziguinchor the first edition of an International festival of Theatre for Peace. The next edition is already programmed.


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  • Iverca