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Seydina Alioune KÂ is a Senegalese journalist and film critic.
He was born on 17/07/1994 in MBACKÉ (Senegal).
He holds a CAP in electricity.
In 2008, he took part in the Association des jeunes pour le développement de Palene Est (AJDPE) and in 2009 in MBACKE's SYSTEME ALLIANCE theatre troupe as an actor. In 2011, he completed a youth community relay training with the National AIDS Alliance (ONCS).
After two internships at the SENELEC in TOUBA and a training in electrical building and box at the Office nationale de la formation professionnelle (ONFP), he became reporter/presenter at BENNO FM in 2013, then at BAOLMEDIAS FM where he is also a technician.
Commercial Agent at SENELEC TOUBA in 2015-2017, he is also reporter/presenter/technician at WALFADJIRI MBACKE and in 2018 football initiator.
Also, sales agent at EDEN MADELAS ET ACCESSOIRES in 2019, he is also reporter/presenter/technician at ZIK FM MBACKE, before becoming in 2022 presenter at SENEJET TV then reporter/presenter/echnician at IRADIO MBACKE.
In 2022, he was a member of the Ciné Espoir de Mbacké.
In 2022, he was trained in film criticism by journalists Baba Diop and Olivier Barlet at the Talent workshop (28 Nov - 10 Dec 2022) of the Dakar Court International Festival.
Through this, he joined "Africiné Magazine" (Dakar) the same year, as writer.