Congolese (DRC) Stage Director, Film Director, Cinematographer, Film editor, producer and Artistic Director.
Petna NDALIKO-KATONDOLO was born in 1974 in Goma (in Eastern DRC). In 1993, he obtained his theatrical directing diploma from the Cultural and Ecological Experimental Workshop in Tchimba. A year later, he wrote his first play Victime de la guerre, on the theme of the memory of survivors of the Rwandan genocide. He joined the Audiovisual Implantation and Exploitation Project (PIEA) in Goma where he trained as a cameraman, editor and producer. National television is counting on him for the North Kivu province. In 2000, together with Ellen Lammers, he founded the Yole! Africa cultural center for refugees in Kampala (Uganda). He wrote other plays and trained in new technologies and contemporary dance. In 2004, he made an experimental short film Lamokowang (The Calabash). In 2005, he created the first film festival organized in North Kivu: Salaam Kivu International Film Festival (SKIFF), of which he is the artistic director. The festival has changed its name and is now called Congo International Film Festival (CIFF).
Petna Ndaliko Katondolo
Petna Ndaliko Katondolo, born in 1974 in Goma, Congo, is a filmmaker, activist, and educator living between his hometown and Chapel Hill, USA. His multi-genre artistic works are known for their decolonial Afrofuturistic artistic style, which engages historical content to address contemporary sociopolitical and cultural issues. In 2000, he founded Yole!Africa, a non-profit organization that serves as a hub for education and social innovation for artists, civil society leaders, and journalists in the east of Congo. In 2005 he founded the Congo International Film Festival (formerly known as the Salaam Kivu International Film Festival). In addition to serving as Artistic Director of both Yole!Africa and the Congo International Film Festival, Ndaliko Katondolo also teaches and consults regularly for international organizations, addressing social and political inequity among marginalized groups through culture and education. He is currently the Artist in Residence at the Stone Center for Black History and Culture at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2020 his film Matata was part of Forum Expanded.
2004 Théâtre Brûlé; 10 min. · Lamokowang; 13 min.
2005 Threatened Fate; 7 min. · Ma-dia; 7 min. · Goma Capitale du Cinéma; 21 min.
2007 Pandisha Bandera; 45 min.
2008 True Story Short; 13 min.
2010 Jazz Mama; 32 min.
2012 Melting Justice; 5 min.
2013 Mabele na Biso; 34 min.
2014 Myth Eyes; 3 min.
2016 The Dead Are Not Dead; 10 min.
2019 Danze; 21 min. · Matata; 37 min., Forum Expanded 2020
2020 Kapita; 22 min., Forum Expanded 2020
Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2021
Petna Ndaliko Katondolo
Petna Ndaliko Katondolo, geboren 1974 in Goma, Kongo, ist Filmemacher, Aktivist und Dozent. Er lebt aktuell zwischen seiner Heimatstadt und Chapel Hill. Seine genreübergreifenden Arbeiten werden für ihren dekolonialen afrofuturistischen Stil geschätzt, der historische Inhalte mit zeitgenössischen gesellschaftspolitischen und kulturellen Themen verbindet. 2000 gründete er Yole!Africa, eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die im Osten Kongos als Zentrum für Bildung und soziale Innovation für Künstler*innen, führende Persönlichkeiten der Zivilgesellschaft und Journalist*innen dient. 2005 gründete er das Congo International Film Festival (vormals bekannt als Salaam Kivu International Film Festival). Neben seiner Tätigkeit als künstlerischer Leiter von Yole!Africa und des Congo International Film Festival, unterrichtet und berät er regelmäßig internationale Organisationen, die sich mittels Kultur- und Bildungsinitiativen mit sozialer und politischer Ungerechtigkeit unter marginalisierten Gruppen befassen. Derzeit ist er Gaststipendiat am Stone Center for Black History and Culture an der Universität von North Carolina in Chapel Hill. 2020 wurde sein Film Matata im Forum Expanded gezeigt.
2004 Théâtre Brûlé; 10 Min. · Lamokowang; 13 Min. 2005 Threatened Fate; 7 Min. · Ma-dia; 7 Min. · Goma Capitale du Cinéma; 21 Min. 2007 Pandisha Bandera; 45 Min. 2008 True Story Short; 13 Min. 2010 Jazz Mama; 32 Min. 2012 Melting Justice; 5 Min. 2013 Mabele na Biso; 34 Min. 2014 Myth Eyes; 3 Min. 2016 The Dead Are Not Dead; 10 Min. 2019 Danze; 21 Min. · Matata; 37 Min., Forum Expanded 2020 2020 Kapita
Stand Bio- & Filmografie: Berlinale 2021
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