SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Rafiki Fariala

  • Rafiki Fariala
© courtesy Berlinale 2022
Singer, Film director, Song writer/composer, Slamor, Director of photography (d.o.p.)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Congolese DRC film director, author-composer-singer and slammer.

Rafiki FARIALA (Rafiki Fariala) is a film director, author-composer-singer and slammer.

Trained in documentary filmmaking by the Ateliers Varan (Bangui session 2017), he is also an author-composer-singer and slammer.
He lives in Bangui (Central African Republic) where he studies Economics and Management at the University of Bangui.

Born in Uvira, Congo in 1997, he grew up in the Central African Republic after his parents fled there during the Congo War. He directed the choir at his school and later began composing music himself. In 2013, he released his song "Why War?" which brought him fame as a musician. In 2017, he participated in a documentary workshop organised by the Ateliers Varan in Bangui and went on to direct his first short film Mbi na mo (You and Me) which screened at festivals in Lausanne, Montreal, Saint-Denis, Lille and Biarritz.

2017 Mbi na mo (You and Me); short documentary 2022 Nous, étudiants ! (We, Students!); documentary

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022



Rafiki Fariala

Geboren 1997 in Uvira im Kongo, aufgewachsen in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik, wohin seine Eltern während des Kongokriegs flüchteten. Er leitete den Chor an seiner Schule und begann später selbst Musik zu schreiben. 2013 veröffentlichte er das Stück „Why War?", das ihn als Musiker bekannt machte. 2017 nahm er am Dokumentarfilmworkshop der Ateliers Varan in Bagui teil und realisierte in diesem Rahmen seinen ersten Kurzfilm Mbi na mo (You and Me). Der Film wurde auf Festivals in Lausanne, Montréal, Saint-Denis, Lille und Biarritz gezeigt.

2017 Mbi na mo (You and Me); Kurz-Dokumentarfilm 2022 Nous, étudiants ! (We, Students!); Dokumentarfilm

Stand Bio- & Filmografie: Berlinale 2022


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Iverca