SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

PAINT YOUR MAIDEN TOWER THE INTERNATIONAL ART FESTIVAL/ 26- 29 MAY 2010/ BAKU/ AZERBAIJAN Fatma Neslihan Nebioglu/ Turkey - Nina Shapkina/ Russia- August Kunnapu/ Estonia- Müseyib Amirov / Azerbaïdjan- Daphné Bitchatch / France- Eliyarl Elimirzayev-/Azerbaïdjan- Johannes Goderfridus Wilhelmus van den Berkmortel / Netherlands - Roel Eduardus Henricus Hanssen/ Netherlands- Andris Vitolins/ Latvia- Yvonne Anne Buskie /Scotland - Evy Horpestad Tjaaland/ Norway- Roxane Clark Permar / USA - Kirsti Maria Puhakka/ Finlande - Velika Jancheva/ Macedonia- Askar Yesdaulet/ Kazakhstan- Levan Dadiani/ Georgia - Inge H. Schmidt /Germany - Marius Abramavicius Neboisia / Lituanie- Ganna Kolos / Ukraine- Guy Shohan /Israel –- Anar Hüseynzada/ Azerbaïdjan. Twenty painters from different countries will interpret their own vision of the XII' century built Maiden tower in Baku, Azerbaijan. The work will be accomplished over a period of three days on location. A Maiden Tower resin scale model has been built for artists who will paint on it using acrylic paint and other mixed technics. The festival will take place on the Maiden Tower square, open for a week to the public. The International Arts Festival of Baku - Azerbaijan' invitation to share between 20 artists from around the world our languages, visions, questions has echoed to me as a call, a quest to openness. It means to recognize the bridges that connect our cultural backgrounds, esthetical and artistic, our inner worlds. We have all worked in the historical center of the city of Baku, bound together with the objective to create a common ground. Paint was able to say what language couldn’t; paint has done where words would have lost themselves. Listening to the links between architecture and art, the print of nature into architecture, history, politics, and knowledge. From visual and audible resonance to interior ones, a lecture of the moment was revealed to the place, to art and the people of the city, an encounter has occurred. The act of creation, here, together and among pedestrians was the imaginary mirror as a pretext to laughts shared and of the genuine happiness to be there. From the Maiden tower, to this writing of the stones which have gone through centuries, written Persian scripts up to the shamanic dreams of drawings. From the old 'city hit by winds' (Bad- Kube/ in Persian), it's streets, towers, hidden mosques, its baths, its warm smiles, its sense of sharing; we have painted 'Happy' for a few days in Baku. The numerous people who have been kindly by our side have kept the art of happiness and of beauty. This being rare in our world, we were all very touched. Our thanks go out to this pretty festival which we are proud to have raised its first curtains. Wishing it a bright future and inviting anyone who wishes to receive a lesson of a free ballad at the beating heart of Azerbaijan. Daphne Bitchatch from Baku to Paris/ May 2010. Translation from French to English by Aliocha. QIZ QALASI GALLERY: http://www.qgallery.net/ Đçərisəhərə: http://www.icherisheher.gov.az/


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