SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

AfricAvenir presents "Chronique of the years of fire", by Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina

On the occasion of 50 year anniversary of Algeria's anniversary.
  • AfricAvenir presents Chronique of the years of fire, by [...]
Genre : Projection | Windhoek

Samedi 17 novembre 2012

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

This lyrical, epic account of the events that led to the Algerian war of liberation from France was the first film from the Arab world to be awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. The film follows an Algerian peasant as he fights alongside the Allied forces in World War II, returns home and joins the resistance against French colonial rule, and dies valiantly in battle. His son continues the struggle, and the film ends on November 11, 1954, the official outbreak of the war for liberation.

1975. Algeria, 175min & 130 min.
Directed by Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina.

Jorgo Voyagis (Ahmed), Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina (Milhoud), Sid Ali Kouiret (Saïd).

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