SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Namibia Film Week 2012

A Forum of the Filmmaker's Association of Namibia
Namibia Film Week 2012
Genre : Festival | Windhoek

Du dimanche 08 au vendredi 13 juillet 2012

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv

The Filmmakers Association of Namibia (FAN) and Namibia Film Commission (NFC) are proud to announce the Namibia Film Week 2012 running in Windhoek from 8th to 13th July 2012.

A screening of the well-known film, The Gods Must Be Crazy, will launch the Namibia Film Week 2012 at the Playhouse on Sunday, 8 July, 6pm. N!xau Coma was the lead actor of that film. The Namibia Film Week 2012 is dedicated to the memory of the most famous Namibian actor.

The Namibia Film Week 2012 will consist of pertinent panel discussions that will inform the way forward for all industry stakeholders. The panel discussions will look at:
a) Curbing Exploitation in the Namibian Film Industry
b) Financing Opportunities for local productions
c) Distribution of Namibian Films, locally and internationally
d) Access to filming locations for local and international productions
e) Training Institutions and what the industry needs

In addition to the panel discussions, a half-day workshop on Copyright and Intellectual Property in the film industry will be facilitated.
The central event of the Namibia Film Week 2012 will be the official launch of the NFC's Short Film Project 2011/2012.
Seven locally produced short films will premiere over two days at the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN).
Preceding the official premieres, an industry mixer for stakeholders and the press will take place on Tuesday, 10 July, 6pm at the Playhouse Gallery. In addition to the screenings, from Wednesday onwards the Namibia Film Week
2012 will host three Sharing Experiences panels during which the producers, directors, writers and actors of the seven films will provide valuable insight into their respective experiences both on and off the set.
Never before were seven Namibian films released concurrently as a result of a national funding cycle. The Namibia Film Week 2012 is proud to facilitate this historical event.

All panels and discussions will run from 9 am until 4 pm at the Franco Namibian Culture Centre (FNCC) and are open to the public.

Registration is essential.
For registration and further enquires, contact the main organizer Senga Brockerhoff at 085 628 9974 or namfilmweek@gmail.com

The Objectives of Namibia Film Week 2012 are:
1.) To draw together industry professionals and key stakeholders, locally and internationally, to deliberate on issues relating to the current state of the Namibian film industry.
2.) To create a forum for discussions to overcome specific industry challenges and identifying practical solutions.
3.) To mobilize the government, the business community and the general public as industry stakeholders in creating a profitable Namibian cinema culture.
4.) To build towards a sustainable national film industry that enriches the country both culturally and economically.

Franco Namibian Culture Centre (FNCC)

118 Robert Mugabe Avenue
PO Box 11622
Tel: 061 387 330

For a detailed program e-mail: namfilmweek@gmail.com or call 085 6289974.


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