SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

„African Perspectives": AfricAvenir presents "Felix" by Roberta Durrant, 2013, South Africa, feature

Namibian Film Premiere. 19h00, @ Goethe-Centre Windhoek. Entrance is 30,- Nam$.

Première namibienne du film Félix de la réalisatrice sud-africaine Roberta Durrant (2013, Fiction, 97 mins).

Âgé de 14 ans, le jeune Felix Xaba rêve de devenir saxophoniste comme son regretté père, mais sa mère, Lindiwe (chanteuse dans une chorale religieuse), pense que le jazz est la musique du diable.

Un film de Roberta Durrant, 2013, Afrique du Sud, 1h37, Fiction, Comédie dramatique (film à voir en famille)

Dans le cadre du ciné-club d'AfricAvenir Windhoek, soutenu par Africiné (the African Film Critics Association), WhatsOnWindhoek, Goethe-Centre/NaDS et Turipamwe Designs.
Entrée : 30 dollars namibiens


Commemorating the 20th anniversary of South Africa's freedom and democracy since the first democratic elections on 27 April 29914, AfricAvenir Windhoek and the South African High Commission present the screening of the feel-good movie "Felix", directed by Roberta Durrant, 2013, South Africa, 97 min., on Saturday, 30 August, 19h00, at the Goethe-Centre Windhoek.

The film has won a number of international awards and rave reviews that can be seen here: http://www.felixthemovie.com/

Key Cast:
FELIX: Hlayani Jr. Mabasa
LINDIWE: Linda Sokhulu
BRA JOE: Thapelo Mofokeng
FINGERS: Royston Stoffels
MR. MURRAY: Andre Jacobs
WISEMAN: Elvis Mahomba
ZANELE: Okwethu Banisi

Key Crew:
PRODUCER: Roberta Durrant
DIRECTOR: Roberta Durrant
WRITER: Shirley Johnston
DOP: Natalie Haarhoff
ART DIRECTOR: Surisa Surisa
COSTUME DESIGN: Ayesha Khatieb
HAIR & MAKEUP: Islyn Goliath
EDITOR: Maryke Kruger

Among the awards are:

Audience Choice Award at Durban International Film Festival, Durban, South Africa,
Lucas award for best film at the Lucas International Children's Film Festival, Frankfurt, Germany
Michel award at the Hamburg Film Festival, Germany
Best Director award at the African International Film Festival, Calabar, Nigeria
The Marcinek award for best full length film for children at the International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino, Poland
Teacher's Jury Special mention award at the International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino, Poland
Special Jury Recognition: First Feature film by a director, at the Pan African Film festival, Los Angeles, USA
Audience Award at Tumbleweeds Film festival, Utah, USA
Best Children's Feature as voted by the Children's Jury in Antwerp at the European Youth Film festival of Flanders
Writer's Guild of South Africa (WGSA) Muse Award for Best Feature Script
Youth Jury prize for Best Film at the Reel 2 Real International Film Festival for Youth, Vancouver, Canada
Best Film award at Kikife International Children's Film Festival, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Die Goldene Klappe award for Best Picture at the Augsburg Children's Film Festival, Germany

About the director:
Roberta Durrant graduated with an BA Hon degree in Drama and English from the University of Stellenbosch. In the early part of her career she acted in various television series in South Africa and feature films both local and international. She has performed and directed at the Young Vic Theatre and at the Edinburgh Festival.

Since 1985 she has produced and/or directed many drama series and 3 feature films in South Africa. Most notably: Multiple iEmmy nominee Home Affairs,Sokhulu and Partners, and award-winning comedies such as: Madam and Eve, Stokvel and About Us.

Roberta has produced two feature films, Inside Out, successfully distributed in South Africa by Ster Kinekor and internationally by Icon Entertainment, and Skilpoppe, based on the award-winning novel by Barry Hough and part of M-Net's Local Movie of the Month initiative.

In 2012 she directed and produced the feature film Felix, winner of the Audience Choice Award at Durban International Film Festival in South Africa, the Lucas award for best film at the Lucas International Children's Film Festival in Frankfurt, the Michel award at the Hamburg Film Festival, the Best Director award at the African International Film Festival in Nigeria, as well as two awards at the International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino in Poland: The Marcinek award for best full length film for children and the Teacher's Jury Special mention award. The film also received Special Jury Recognition for being the first feature film by a director at the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles.

She received a 2012 Lifetime Achievement award from the National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa.

African Perspectives is an ongoing project by AfricAvenir. Current partners are AfriCine, the Goethe-Centre Windhoek, Namibian German Foundation, WhatsOnWindhoek, and Turipamwe Design.

14-year-old Felix Xaba dreams of becoming a saxophonist like his late father but his mother Lindiwe thinks jazz is the devil's music. When Felix leaves his township friends to take up a scholarship at an elitist private school, he defies his mother and turns to two aging members of his father's old band to help him prepare for the school jazz concert.

Director Zeze Gamboa about the film: "The story takes place precisely in the period between 1965 and 1974, and relates the adventures of a petty-crook who draws up a master plan to manage to swindle money from the Colonial Tax and Revenue Services. The narrating of these adventures permits a gaze on a recent period of Portuguese/Angolan history, in which I intend to show the glamour of the rich sixties, the irreverence of young people at that time and the greatnesses and frailties of a regime in utter decline. This is a period that is somewhat mythical nowadays and that has never been dealt with in the cinema of these two countries, either out of forgetfulness or other unfathomable reasons on the one hand (Portugal), or due to the several different trials of a recently-born country in which it is only now that there is the birth of what we may call fictional cinema, as previously there had mainly been documentary films."
About the director:
Born in Luanda in 1955, he worked for Angolan television between 1974 and 1980, directing information programmes and news broadcasts. In 1984 he qualified as a sound engineer in Paris, and worked as such on numerous international productions before, in 1989, starting working as a documentary director, with Mopiopio and Dissidence receiving some international recognition. In 1992, as the peace process in Angola got underway, he attempted to develop a first feature, but the renewed eruption of civil war and associated logistical difficulties meant that The Hero did not emerge until over ten years later. When it did, it won a major Jury Prize at Sundance in 2005. The Great Kilapy is his second feature.
1991 Mopiopio [doc]
1998 Dissidencia (Dissidence) [doc]
2001 Burned by Blue [doc s]
2002 O desassossego de pessoa [doc s]
2004 O Herói (The Hero)
2009 Bom Dia, África [s]
2012 O Grande Kilapy (The Great Kilapy)

© Copyright AfricAvenir 2014

The film series African Perspectives is supported by AfriCine, WhatsOnWindhoek, Turipamwe Design, and the Goethe-Centre Windhoek.

Goethe Centre, Windhoek
1-5 Fidel Castro Street
Entrance: 30 Na$
Windhoek, Namibie
tel.1 : +264 61 225700
fax : +264 61 221256

© Copyright AfricAvenir 2014


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