SPLA : Portal da diversidade cultural

Suzy Gillet

Suzy Gillet
© DR
Diretor(a) do festival, Programador(a), Curador, Intérprete
Principal país relacionado : Rúbrica : Cinema/tv

Following a degree in filmmaking at St Martin's in 1988 Suzy Gillett moved to Paris to work on Jean-Paul Goude's 1989 Bicentenary Parade, staying six years. Gaining hands on experience in production and assistant directing in film, French and British television series and independent documentaries. Returning to the UK in 1994 to work at Peter Gabriel's Real World Multimedia Dept then to World Circuit Records of Buena Vista fame, she variously ran ScreenStation a film club screening world cinema documentaries for 5 years and was Director of the annual world culture Mosaiques Film Festival at the French Institute London for 5 years. In 2008 she joined The London Film School to run their international projects, the EU MEDIA funded Low Budget Film Forum, Making Waves and co-ordinates partnerships with on A Clear View, A4C and the European Film School Network. She also produces an annual series of short documentaries for the EU Commission.


  • Arterial network
  • Iverca